What's for lunch? Did you know you can view our lunch on our app? Download our app, click on your student's school and at the bottom of the home screen you'll see what's for breakfast AND lunch that day. Scroll further to see the whole week!

Reminder, classes resume on Thursday, January 5th. We can't wait to see you then!

Want to know what's happening in the community during Winter Break? Check out the City of Kirksville's Events calendar!

Visit with Santa
Mark your calendar for Main Street Kirksville’s December Visits with Santa Claus. FREE and open to the public!
We’re partnering with Downtown Cinema 8, so join us in the lobby of the theater from 10:00 a.m.-Noon on Saturday, Dec. 17, 2022.
Bring your camera and capture the moment! Please share with your friends and family!

Want to give back? Donate to the school lunch fund! https://www.kirksville.k12.mo.us/page/how-to-pay-for-school-meals

WMMS is hosting a Coat Drive and needs ADULT sized coats. For more information, please email tlabeth@kirksville.k12.mo.us.

Inclement Weather Info:
Please make sure you review our Inclement Weather page on our website. It's a comprehensive guide that includes school cancelation, two-hour delays, early dismissal, and hard surface/snow routes.
We will make every effort to notify families as soon as possible in each situation. Please read the website for more information.

December 7th is the 4th Grade RME Concert
December 12th is the RME Art Show
December 14th is the 2nd Grade Holiday Program
December 15th is the KHS Holiday Concert
For specifics on times and locations, please visit our calendar

After 88 years of transporting Kirksville’s future, the Weber family is retiring from bus services beginning July 1, 2023. Shannon Weber says, “It has been an honor to serve the school district and the community for all these years.”
Kirksville R-III will be exploring additional transportation options in the coming months. We would like to thank the Weber family for their years of excellent service to our school and community.

Want to give back? Donate to the school lunch fund!

Malachi, Payson, and Claire helped raise money for the Kirksville Primary Service Project to support the Ronald McDonald House in Columbia, MO.

Reminder, no school on Wednesday (11/23), Thursday (11/24), or Friday (11/25) of this week! We hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.

Kirksville R-III is looking for substitute teachers, paraprofessionals, secretaries, and more!
Please apply at https://bit.ly/3eHq43i and for more information please visit https://www.kirksville.k12.mo.us/.

Reminder, no school today!

Our hearts and prayers go out to the students, staff, administration, and community surrounding the St. Louis Central Visual and Performing Arts High School. In yet another tragic shooting at one of our schools many are impacted by someone determined to do harm to others.
The Kirksville R-III District continues to be vigilant in our efforts to ensure the safety of our students and staff. We are focusing on ensuring that we do everything possible to keep evil-doers on the outside of our buildings. In this effort we ask everyone to understand why we are limiting entry to our buildings to a single public entryway and why they are electronically controlled.
We are taking additional measures to make sure staff and students also do everything they must to keep all access areas secure. The St. Louis shooting brings to mind again the need to end the selfish divisiness that surrounds us, and seek to understand the needs of others.

Portrait of a Graduate Focus Groups this week: RME, Tuesday, 9/27
This is the LAST Focus Group for the Portrait of a Graduate!

I Think I Can Project
To all parents of Kirksville R-III Students:
We have been connected with the Kirksville R-III schools for the past 14 years and hope to
continue for as long as we can help. Our simple mission is:
What we have learned these past 14 years is that basic needs vary with each family. We have
also learned that the Kirksville community is very proud of our students, our teachers and
administrators, and our schools. And they are willing to respond when called.
What we ask of you is that you work with our schools and seek their assistance if you truly
need some help. Help may be a temporary need or an ongoing situation.
If possible, every student should have the same opportunity and with your honest choices, we
can perhaps “level the playing field for all.”
Once school opens, if you find you’d like to visit with school personnel about when you might
qualify for assistance, please ask to visit with one of the following teachers:
High School Amy Love
Middle School Tiffany LaBeth
Ray Miller Sydney Byers
Primary Christine Aldridge
The I Think I Can Foundation
July/August 202

Welcome to our new Kirksville R-III app! Here is a quick video to get familiar with our new app and the features you might find handy.

Inspired by the artist Claude Money and his gardens, the students of Kirksville Primary have created our Garden or "Notre Jardin." Each grade level was in charge of a different aspect of our collaborative project. Kindergarten created a peaceful pond with waterlilies, koi, and goldfish. First grade worked hard to create a rainbow with a variety of flowers. Finally, the garden visitors were created by the second grade. We hope you love this work of art as much as we do. -Ms. Halter #KVProud