January 7, 2025. Monday Momentum. Progress. Perform. Protect. Page 1. Progress…JT Holman and crew have started the concrete paving of the new parking lot. First section of paving was completed before temps dropped; the next section is set to pour on a warmer day. Photo of the first section of concrete in place, approximately 100 yards.

JT Holman and crew have started the concrete paving of the new parking lot. The first section of paving was completed during Christmas week, before temperatures dropped. The next section is set to be poured on a warmer day.

Just in time for school to start after break, the parking lot between the middle and high schools is fully back in use. Student drop-off and pick-up at William Matthew Middle School is back to normal starting Tuesday, January 7, 2025. The contractor crew had installed drainage lines below the south end of this lot in December. Page 2. Progress…Just in time for school to begin after break, the parking lot between the middle and high schools is back in use. January 7, 2025. Monday Momentum. Progress. Perform. Protect. Page 3. Progress…photos of work being done on site this fall.January 7, 2025. Monday Momentum. Progress. Perform. Protect. Page 4. Progress…photos of work being done on site this fall