Kirksville R-III is Hiring Substitutes. Teachers -Must have an active Missouri Teaching or Substitute Certificate -$16 per hour  Paraprofessionals -$14 per hour  Food Service -$14 per hour  Nurses -Must have an active Missouri LPN or RN License -$19 per hour  Custodians -$14 per hour  Secretaries -$14 per hour.  Apply today: or call 660-665-7774 for more information.
Attention Local Contractors, Kirksville R-3 is building a new performing arts building. Two additional bid packages for several campus improvement projects. Meet the general contractors event: Wed, October 23. 4:30-5:30pm at 1901 E. Hamilton, Kirksville.
Image of proposed Education Center for the Performing Arts building connected to Kirksville High School.
say hello to parent teacher chat in kirksville app with app screens
Black board background with dates
Boy taking a test
App information
Candidate Forum
Chalkboard background with our logo
Clovers with St. Patrick's Day in script
Summer Journey Program
CARES Center
Time to spring forward with a clock
ACAD talking to students
White background with orange reminder
March Programs
Dates for March
Kirksville logo on white background
Blue background with Happy Presidents Day
Featured Support Staff for February