We are hiring substitutes! We need subs for teachers, paraprofessionals, food service workers, custodians, secretaries, and nurses.
Nurse substitutes must have a valid Missouri LPN or RN license. Teacher substitutes must hold an active Missouri Teaching Certificate or Substitute Certificate.
Don’t have your sub certificate, yet? Apply today to be a para sub and start working sooner! Once you earn your certificate, you will be giving yourself a $2 an hour raise!
Apply today! KVR-3 Sub Application Process:
1. Complete our quick application: https://forms.gle/rD8BvUhotC9pk1N18
2. Register to be fingerprinted at www.machs.mo.gov and use the 4-digit code of 0049. There is a $43 fee. Kirksville Schools will reimburse you $45 once you work 5 days (35 hours).
3. Stop by the Board of Education Office at 1901 East Hamilton Street. Bring your banking information and two original forms of ID. Acceptable original forms include a current passport, driver’s license, Social Security card, and birth certificate. You will also fill out your W-4. The whole process will take approximately ten minutes. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
4. Hiring is then pending school board approval at their next meeting.