Registration Information for K-12 Students
***Please note that registration for the 2025-2026 school year is not open at this time. Only use the link above to register a student for the current school year that ends in May 2025. Registration for the new school year is set to open by the end of March. This page will be updated as soon as registration is open.***
New student registration for the 2024-2025 school year
Children must turn five BEFORE August 1, 2024 to be eligible for kindergarten. This is state law.
For the 2024-2025 school year, all new Kindergarten through 12th grade students must be registered in PowerSchool Enrollment. Online registration can be completed on a phone, computer, or tablet. You must first create an account using your email address. Once your account is created, click New Student Registration. It is important to complete the entire online registration process for your student. If you do not complete the process, your student will not be actively registered. You will receive an email confirmation when your registration has been submitted.
Required Documents- Please gather the following documents before starting registration. It is the parent/guardian responsibility to provide these documents to the district.
Parent/guardian proof of residency within the Kirksville R-III District boundaries. This can be a real estate or personal property tax bill, rental agreement or purchase contract, or a current utility bill.
Student’s up to date immunization records. These must be supplied by parents or a physician/health department before the registration process can be completed. Waiting for immunization records from previous schools may cause delays in your child’s registration.
Student’s birth certificate, passport, or other official proof of legal name and age.
In cases where parents/guardians are divorced, a copy of the dissolution decree which stipulates child custody.
A few things you need to know:
To be eligible for kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year, students must have turned five BEFORE August 1, 2024.
If you are registering during the school year, please allow 2-3 business days for the registration to be processed. This allows time to review documentation and receive/review school records to be able to best serve your student.
Required documents listed above can be uploaded during the online process. If you would rather, copies can be brought in person to the Board of Education building at 1901 E Hamilton St. in Kirksville. Registration is not complete until all required documents are provided and reviewed. It is the parent/guardian responsibility to provide all required documents.
Click HERE to create your account and begin registration for your student for the 2024-2025 school year.
Additional Information
Kirksville R-III Kindergarten Screening
Kirksville R-III Parents as Teachers (Missouri Curriculum Partners) is offering FREE kindergarten screenings. A screening is a great way to get a snapshot of your child's current skills and some ideas for skills to work on to make kindergarten entry more successful.
Screenings are free and cover developmental skills and health related needs. Screenings will take place at the Early Childhood Learning Center (ECLC).
Free or Reduced Meals:
If you believe you qualify for Free or Reduced Meals, please fill out the application and submit it to your child's school.
Free or Reduced Meal Application
Immunization Note:
All State of Missouri required immunizations can be obtained at the Adair County Health Department. Please call 665-8491 for available dates and times to receive immunizations and/or sports physicals. The Health Department will fax the immunization records to the Kirksville R-III School District, at your request.
If you need more information contact:
Central Office
1901 E. Hamilton
Kirksville, MO 63501
Phone: 660-665-7774
Fax: 660-324-1279