Bond 2024 Building Project Progress
The latest news and updates concerning our ongoing facilities projects are found below.
Monday Momentum for March 24, 2025
The Senior Tile is a hallway landmark at Kirksville High School, donated in honor of the Class of 1962. The tile has been walked over by thousands of KHS students, staff, and visitors over the years. The district is working to preserve this tradition during the remodel. The Senior Tile will be recreated for the new floor, and if the original tile can be removed intact, it will be framed and displayed in the building.
Regardless of the outcome, the goal is to ensure that future students continue the tradition of passing the Senior Tile for years to come.
The stained glass from 1994, commemorating the first 100 years of KHS, will also remain intact as part of the new remodel.

Archived Monday Momentum Issues
Below you will find archived information from the 2023 Facilities Planning Committee and the April 2024 bond election.
April 2, 2024

On Tuesday, April 2, 2024 voters passed the following bond question with 79.97%.
Official Ballot Question:
"Shall the Kirksville R-III School District issue
its general obligation bonds in the amount of
$33,000,000 for the purpose of constructing,
improving, renovating, repairing, furnishing
and equipping new and existing school
facilities, including installing a new secure
entryway and safety improvements at the
District's High School and constructing a new
education center for the performing arts?
If this question is approved, the District's
debt service property tax levy is estimated to
remain unchanged at $0.8190 per one
hundred dollars of assessed valuation of real
and personal property."
February 2024

Why do our students and our community need this bond?
A comprehensive safety audit completed in 2022 identified a number of safety and security measures the district should make. However, the costs to make these improvements is beyond our capacity to fulfill without bond revenue.
KHS music and band programs share a single classroom with very limited practice space for either program. These programs continue to outgrow their current available space.
The main part of the high school was built in 1960 and has had two additions. The original segment of the building, including the school office area, student commons, cafeteria, band/choir rooms, and gymnasium have not had any significant improvements.
The high school cafeteria is inadequate for the current student population and is useful for only limited activities, while the courtyard is underutilized due to weather restraints.
KHS drama department does not have a dedicated performance space. The middle school auditorium is used for drama performances and also community events. The space is very limited and schedule conflicts frequently arise. Seating in that auditorium is not ideal for performances, while the acoustics diminish the quality of events.
So, what will this bond do for our students?
Project 1: Education Center for the Performing Arts
Project 2: Kirksville High School Renewal

Project 3: Safety Enhancements
Project 4: Ray Miller Elementary Updates
Project 5: William Matthew Middle School Updates
Project 6: Parking and Traffic Flow Improvements

Frequently Asked Questions:
This website is paid for and maintained by the Kirksville R-III School District.
Robert Webb, Superintendent
1901 E Hamilton Street, Kirksville, Missouri 63501